Cleadon Church of England Academy

Flourishing together as one

Church Links

 Peace Doves Feedback

We were delighted to receive a fantastic response from the Peter Walker Sculptor Studio about our wonderful peace doves display.

Kathryn, a member of the Peter Walker Sculptor team, said, “Your peace doves installation looks great, and we are pleased you were able to join in with the project at Durham Cathedral.  I do hope you enjoyed creating your display”.

 Bible Study Group

This week, the Bible Study Group explored the theme of curiosity.  After exploring the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we created a green and red apple.  On the green apple we added good decisions and on the red apple we identified bad choices.  We all really enjoyed this week’s session.  Thank you to Janet and Linda for preparing the session and resources for us.

Bible Study Group

 This week, the Bible Group explored the theme of curiosity.  They explored the links between a variety of objects before identifying the things they are curious about in God’s world.  Special thanks to Janet and Helen for their time and effort in organising the session.

Peace Doves 2024

For the last few weeks, every child in school has been extremely busy designing and decorating their own special peace dove. All the doves are currently on display in All Saints Church, Cleadon and together they make a marvellous sight.

Bible Study Group

This week, the Bible Study group explored generosity.  We discussed the story of The Widow’s Coins and then identified different ways we can show generosity.  We had great fun designing our own special fridge magnet to set a weekly task to remind us to be generous. 

Bible Study Group

This week, the Bible Study Group explored the theme of thankfulness. After exploring the story of the Ten Lepers, we created these beautiful flowers to show the people and things we are thankful for.

Staff Meeting in Church

All the staff enjoyed our termly visit to All Saints Church. Reverend Cuthbert cleverly tackled the tricky concept of the trinity using only an apple and peeler. Members of the congregation also took part in the session and even supplied refreshments.

Easter Experience

The children from Years 3 and 4 were invited to All Saints Church to take part in the Easter Experience. Reverend Cuthbert and some of the members of the congregation told the story of Easter through a series of prayer and reflection activities. 

Easter in Church 2024

The story of Easter told by narrators from various year groups and Mrs Gommersall commented that it was some of the best singing she had ever heard. 

Harvest Experience

Year 3 and 4 pupils visited the Church to take part in a Harvest Experience run by members of the congregation. The children rotated around the stations completing activities and gathering pieces of fruit. Reverend Cuthbert lead the final part of the worship as the story came together. 

Key Stage 2 Carol Service 2023

Key Stage 2 headed up to church to share their act of worship. Pupils from each year group shared the story of the Nativity and everyone joined together to act as the choir.