Cleadon Church of England Academy

Flourishing together as one


Spirituality Definition and Approach

Spirituality is something we feel inside ourselves; it is not something we can see. It is about being curious, expressing and sensing the feelings of delight, awe and wonder, to empathise and to consider the views of others, to ask questions, to be inspired and to recognise that there is something ‘bigger’ than ourselves. Spirituality enables us to become aware of one another, the world around us, ourselves and God.

Spirituality is a natural aspect of everyday life at Cleadon Church of England Academy for both adults and children. We believe that all our children are on a spiritual journey as well as an academic journey and need to be nurtured and shown the path to encourage well-rounded spiritual beings. We want our adult to flourish spiritually too.

We believe that spiritual flourishing is an ongoing process and takes all of us on different journeys throughout our lives. Spirituality is about becoming more aware of your own natural spirituality and not trying to be ‘more spiritual’. Our approach to spirituality enables children to develop into adults being able to tackle the ups and downs of everyday life and respect and appreciate the world and those around them whilst not being afraid of questioning how they see the world. We want our adults and children to ask the much bigger questions, to express and feel and ponder the transcendent. We believe that our spiritual well-being enables us to navigate the tricky parts of life.


Our Approach

As an Academy we focus on the idea of 4 concepts of spirituality: self, others, world and beauty and beyond. We start with ‘big questions’ about life and we plan a series of encounters (windows) that open the possibility of reflection (mirrors). Finally, the children are given the opportunity to put into action what they believe and value (doors).

We also embrace spontaneous moments to enhance and develop spirituality across different areas of the curriculum.



Our model for Spiritual Development

At Cleadon Church of England Academy, we use the Windows, Mirrors and Doors model to support spiritual development using the shared language of Wonder, Reflect and Explore with all stakeholders.

Windows – Learning about life - Wonder

We give children opportunities to become aware of the world in new ways; to wonder about life’s ‘Wows’ (things that are amazing and unexplainable as to why they evoke such a response) and ‘Ows’ (things that upset us and cause us to be uncertain). In this, our children are learning about life in all its fullness.


Mirrors – Learning from life - Reflect

We give children opportunities to reflect on their experiences; to meditate and reflect on life’s big questions and to consider some possible answers. In this, they are learning from life by exploring their own insights and perspectives and those of others.

Doors – Learning to live life – Explore

We give children opportunity to explore and respond to all of this; to do something creative as a means of expressing, applying and further developing their thoughts and convictions. In this they are learning to live by putting into action what they are coming to believe and value.

Spirituality at Cleadon Church of England Academy

 At Cleadon Church of England Academy, we believe everyone is on a spiritual journey.  This is what we, as an Academy, believe spirituality to be.....

Staff moments of spirituality

 Staff members shared their special moments of spirituality.  They each explained where and when their spiritual moment happened and how it made them feel.

Spirituality Day - Friday 7th February

We held another Spirituality day where we spent time investigating our key elements of Wonder, Explore and Respond.  The day began with a special key stage worship where we explored a range of thought-provoking questions, responded to a range of intriguing images, appreciated specially chosen music, and thought about the relevance of a range of different Bible verses.  Back in class, we then spent the day delving into Wonder, Explore and Respond in greater depth.  We participated in a range of discussions where we shared a range of thoughtful, insightful and mature responses.  We enjoyed demonstrating our thoughts and opinions through a variety of media and produced a range of super work.


 Our special spiritual moments

 After hearing about the spiritual experiences of the staff, pupils identified their own special moment.  Everyone shared their spiritual moment using a range of adjectives to show their thoughts and feelings.  There were a wide range of spiritual moments shared in each class and staff were very impressed at the maturity and depth of understanding demonstrated.  Everyone recorded their spiritual moment in an age-appropriate way and our completed work was displayed for everyone to see.

Our Approach to Spirituality

Spirituality Development

Spirituality Wellbeing

Spirituality Policy

Spirituality within the Curriculum